Complaint Customer Service
As customer of Commerzbank AG Sucursal en España, you can submit complaints about financial services maintained with us at the following addresses:
Commerzbank AG Sucursal en España
Servicio de Atención al Cliente
Paseo de la Castellana 259C
E-28046 Madrid
Complaints may be submitted by postal mail or in a face-to-face manner, through accredited representation, to the address or e-mail specified above.
To this end, please use the following form, which must be submitted duly completed and signed. This entity may accept any other written complaint, provided that the requirements for its processing set out in Article 9 of the Customer Service Regulations of Commerzbank AG, Sucursal en España are met. The mentioned Regulations also provide information on the maximum time limit for the resolution of the complaints and on the right of the complainant to submit the complaint to the Complaint Services of the financial supervisors, in the event of disagreement with the final decision of the bank. (arts 11 and 14 of the referred regulation).