Subsidised loans, Access affordable funding

Whether your investment project involves renewable energy or ESG criteria, or if you are looking to boost your company's growth with new equipment, plant and acquisitions – subsidised loans can be an integral part of your project financing.
  • Access low-cost loans by enlisting the support of state development and promotional banks.
  • We are experts in securing subsidised loans, passing on any favourable conditions to you, and structuring financings to your needs.

What you need to know

Subsidised loans are available for the following projects:
  • Growth financing
  • Energy renovations of non-residential buildings used for commercial purposes, and individual energy efficiency measures
  • Operational investments in plant and machinery, land and buildings, equipment and vehicles
  • Investments in technology and innovation, research and development
  • Inventory financing and funding of working capital requirements
  • Acquisition of companies or acquiring stakes in companies, establishing a new business or arranging successions

Our services

Our advisory capabilities include:
  • Schemes offered by Germany‘s Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank (LRB) and federal state development banks; these schemes may include grants
  • Individual loans or funding, offered by different development and promotional banks
  • Global loans
  • Risk sharing (indemnifications and guarantees provided by development banks and the European Investment Bank (EIB), guarantees provided by guarantee banks)

How you can benefit from subsidised loans,
Benefits across the board

Leverage potential

Investments in your company's efficiency and sustainability often require subsidised loans.


Low-cost and long-term financings provide your company with a solid financial basis.


Low costs and favourable repayment rates – or even repayment-free periods – increase your financial flexibility.

Our promise,

We rank among the largest financing partners to Germany’s KfW and the European Investment Bank.

Subsidised loans for companies come in many forms. To find the ideal structure for your project, our experts keep right up-to-date with the latest promotional products and schemes.

Your contacts

Our subsidised loans experts are at your service in every federal state in Germany, across all sectors.
Jens Sossong

Head of Competence Team for Public Funding