Investment management, Capital investments: make the most of your cash
Your benefits , A broad product range for customised solutions
Open for the best solutions
Our open architecture is a key advantage that allows us to offer a broad range of securities products and services to our clients.
Eye on market trends
Leveraging research, structurings, trading and our collaboration partners' expertise, we make sure that we spot investment trends early.
Dynamic liquidity management
From current-account balances and term deposits, to loan products, securities and risk management - our full suite of solutions grants you the flexibility you need in your liquidity management to be prepared for every market turn.
Our promise, Your sustainability preferences are our command
Our investment advice follows your sustainability strategy: the assets we identify are both sustainable and profitable. For you, for society and for the environment. Let Commerzbank help you seize the opportunities that sustainable investments in equities, bonds and investment funds have to offer.
From plain vanilla to alternatives, Our solutions at a glance
Capital market investments
- Plain vanilla interest rate and credit products (government/corporate/bank bonds, Pfandbriefe, etc.)
- Structured interest rate and equity products
- Customised private placements (promissory note loans, registered bonds, other bonds, etc.)
- Access to around 50 banks
Money-market investments (EUR + foreign currencies)
- Overnight and term deposits
- Commercial Paper
- Short-term bonds
Asset management
- Individual asset management mandates
- Special fund mandates
- Alternative investments
- ETFs / investment funds
Putting idle cash to work, Capitalise on your investments
Using cash to seize chances
When you leave cash idling in a current account, you are wasting a chance to generate yield. From term deposits to securities and made-to-measure asset management, our investment solutions are designed to create value for you.