Risk management, Commodity management: gaining planning certainty
At a glance
- Commodity prices are regularly exposed to strong fluctuations. The higher the direct commodity costs in your production and the greater the proportion of secondary risks.
- The greater the proportion of secondary risks, such as currency exchange rates, energy, transport and logistics costs, in the total costs, the more serious the consequences for your business success.
- Our solutions for active commodity price risk management will help you achieve more planning certainty with the help of financial instruments in the energy and agricultural markets, in emissions trading as well as in industrial and precious metals.
How to benefit from commodity price management, Hedging price fluctuations
You are less exposed to commodity price developments.
Even if market prices fluctuate, your costs will remain stable.
Your mid- and long-term profits are easier to project.
You can quote fixed prices, and avoid price escalation clauses.
Depending on your hedging strategy, you can benefit from favourable market developments.
Check out our in-depth research and other publications online.
Commodity management, From aluminium to sugar:
our commodity management offering
Agricultural commodities
- Cotton
- Coffee and cocoa
- Sugar
- Maize, wheat, and rapeseed
- Soybeans, soy flour, and soybean oil
- Rubber
Precious metals
- Gold
- Silver
- Palladium
- Platinum
Industrial metals
- Aluminium and lead
- Copper and nickel
- Zinc and tin
- Iron ore and steel scrap
Energy commodities
- Crude oil and distillates (e. g. gasoil, diesel, jet fuel, fuel oil, naphtha)
- Coal
- Electricity
- Natural gas
Emission allowances
- EUA – European Emission Allowance
- UKA – UK-Allowance
- VER – Verified Emission Reduction (Gold Standard, Verra, CDM)
The three steps to successful commodity management, Solutions that suit your needs
Individual needs analysis
We start by pinpointing your hedging needs, your goals, and your prerequisites.
Tailor-made solutions
Based on your needs, together we will find the hedging solution that suits your company best.
Reliable implementation
Together, we work with you to implement hedging details such as term, maturities, quantities and hedging currency according to your needs.