General Business Conditions

On this page you will find the contractual terms of Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft and its foreign subsidiaries.

Data Transmission

Data transmission between Commerzbank AG, its international branches and group companies

Commerzbank AG, its international branches and group companies closely cooperate in order to provide customers with comprehensive advice and services.

In this context Commerzbank, its international branches and group companies exchange data and/or grant each other access by electronic download to data concerning their customers (“Transmission”) so that the data can be processed and used locally for the purposes of taking up and providing advice and services to these customers, provided this Transmission is based upon the customer’s consent or another legal justification.

Commerzbank AG's international branches and group companies concerned by the data transmission are:

  • Austria
    Commerzbank AG
    Vienna Branch
    Tegetthoffstraße 1
    1010 Vienna
  • China
    Commerzbank AG
    Beijing Branch
    Suite 2502 East Tower, Twin Towers
    B-12 Jianguomenwai Dajie
    Chaoyang District
    Beijing 100022

    Commerzbank AG
    Shanghai Branch
    37F, Shanghai World Financial Center
    100 Century Avenue
    Shanghai 200120
  • Costa Rica
    Commerz Trade Services S.A.
    Boulevard Multiplaza
    San Rafael de Escazu,
    Costa Rica
  • Czech Republic
    Commerzbank AG
    pobočka Praha
    Jugoslávská 1
    12021 Praha
  • France
    Commerzbank AG
    Paris Branch
    86 Boulevard Haussmann
    75008 Paris
  • Great Britain
    Commerzbank AG
    London Branch
    30 Gresham Street
    London EC2P 2XY
  • Italy
    Commerzbank AG
    Milan Branch
    Corso Europa 2
    20122 Milano
  • Japan
    Commerzbank AG
    Tokyo Branch
    Atago Green Hills MORI Tower 40F
    2-5-1 Atago, Minato-Ku
    Tokyo 105-6240
  • Luxembourg
    Commerzbank AG
    Luxembourg Branch
    25, rue Edward Steichen
    L-2540 Luxemburg
  • Malaysia
    Commerz Trade Services Sdn. Bhd.
    Level 13, Tower 3, Avenue 7
    59200 Kuala Lumpur
  • Netherlands
    Commerzbank AG
    Benelux Branch
    Claude Debussylaan 24
    1082 MD Amsterdam
  • Poland
    mBank SA
    ul. Senatorska 18, 00-950
    00-950 Warszawa

    CERI International Sp. z o.o.
    ul. Traktorowa 148/158
    91-204 Łódź
  • Russia
    Commerzbank (Eurasija) AO
    Kadashevskaya naberezhnaya, 14/2
    119017 Moscow
  • Singapore
    Commerzbank AG
    Singapore Branch
    71 Robinson Road, #12-01
    Singapore 068895
  • Spain
    Commerzbank AG
    Iberia Branch
    Paseo de la Casrellana 110
    28046 Madrid
  • Switzerland
    Commerzbank AG
    Zurich Branch
    Pelikanplatz 15
    8034 Zurich
  • United States of America
    Commerzbank AG
    New York Branch
    225 Liberty Street
    New York, NY 10281-1050
  • Factoring
    CommerzFactoring GmbH
    Große Bleiche 35 - 39
    55116 Mainz
  • Real Estate, Assets, Leasing
    Commerz Real AG
    Friedrichstraße 25
    65185 Wiesbaden

Cross-border transmission of personal data

Personal data may be exchanged cross-border between our branches and group companies and processed at the place of receipt. The data are being processed on the basis of the GDPR and the locally relevant legislation respectively and, if required to ensure an adequate level of data protection, the following Data Processing and Guarantee Agreement.

Deposit Protection

In 1998, the institution “Entschädigungseinrichtung deutscher Banken GmbH” was set up as the legal compensation scheme for private banks and home loan and savings associations domiciled in Germany. The protection ceiling for deposits of this scheme, in which Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft also participates, currently amounts to EUR 100,000 per depositor, regardless of the currency in which the deposits are denominated. If the deposits are related to certain life events, such as the sale of a private residential property, a marriage or a severance package for employees, the protection ceiling for each depositor is EUR 500.000 for at least 6 months after the deposit.

In addition, Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft is a member of the Deposit Protection Fund of “Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V.” (Federal Association of German Banks) in Berlin, a private-bank scheme under private law which is not subject to state supervision. The Deposit Protection Fund functions as a follow-up cover scheme for the statutory compensation scheme up to the protection ceiling regulated in its by-laws.

Both the statutory compensation scheme and the Deposit Protection Fund also secure deposits at branches of Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft abroad.

The Deposit Protection Fund secures all liabilities which are to be reported in the balance-sheet item “liabilities to customers”. These comprise sight deposits, term deposits and savings deposits, including registered securities, like e.g. registered bonds, registered savings bonds and registered certificates of indebtedness (auf den Namen lautende Schuldscheindarlehen) regardless of the currency. Bearer bonds, bearer certificates of deposit, participating certificates, subordinated liabilities and liabilities to banks are not protected. Furthermore, all redelivery obligations arising from securities lending transactions which are reported as liabilities and liabilities arising from securities repurchase (repo) transactions are not protected.

The protection ceiling for each creditor is 20% until 31 December 2019, 15% until 31 December 2024, and 8.75% as of 1 January 2025, of own funds according to article 72 CRR[1]. Deposits established or renewed after 31 December 2011 shall be subject to the respective new protection ceilings as of the aforementioned dates, irrespective of the time when the deposits are established. Deposits established before 31 December 2011 shall be subject to the old protection ceilings until maturity or until the next possible withdrawal date.

The applicable protection ceiling shall be notified to the Customer by the Bank on request. It is also available on the Internet at the Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V.:

Up to this amount, secured liabilities are protected by the Deposit Protection Fund for each legitimate customer.

Further details of the scope of protection are contained in Section 6 of the By-laws of the Deposit Protection Fund. Detailed information regarding the Deposit Protection Fund, especially frequently asked questions can be found on the website of the Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V.: On this website you can also request directly the prevailing protection ceiling and the By-laws of the Deposit Protection Fund.

Other Terms and Conditions

Remote data transmission and carrier exchange

Guarantee Business

Commerzbank Cash Logistics (SafeBag)


Electronic Banking Soft- and Hardware

Commerzbank Account Information

Commerzbank Corporate Banking Portal

Commerzbank International Corporate Banking Portal

Terms and Conditions for Cards

Live Confirm, Live Trader, Online Banking Securities Transactions

Commerzbank Payments Services