Clear values for excellent banking services., We are the bank of choice for the German Mittelstand.
What does Commerzbank’s clear strategic focus on the mid-market sector mean for companies? We talked to our Divisional Board Members to find out.
Ask around among german Mittelstand companies for their trusted partners and the name Commerzbank will come up a lot. Over the past 155 years, tens of thousands of companies have relied on the expertise of Germany’s leading bank for its Mittelstand. Commerzbank’s new “Our values. Our Mittelstand.” initiative shows how committed we are to catering to the needs and expectations of mid-market companies.
Our interviewees
Sabrina Kensy, Divisional Board Member Mittelstandsbank Central/East, Dr Stefan Otto, Divisional Board Member Mittelstandsbank North/West, and Robert Schindler, Divisional Board Member Mittelstandsbank South, let us in on what makes Commerzbank’s focus on the mid-market sector so special and unique.
What makes Commerzbank the best bank for the mid-market sector?
Kensy: Well, merchants helped to found Commerzbank, and over the course of our 150-year and more history, financing for the mid-market sector has always been a part of the Bank’s DNA. Obviously we didn’t just decide to call ourselves the best bank for the mid-market sector. We were ranked Best Mittelstandsbank by renowned FINANCE magazine in its Bank Survey 2024 , and industry magazine Euromoney named us 2024’s Best German Bank for SMEs.
Dr Otto: Our profound understanding of the German Mittelstand has grown over time. We know our way around all industries, whether we are talking about high-tech mechanical engineering companies or companies like tonies SE, the largest interactive audio platform for children, which has relied on our in-depth understanding of its business model and full range of advisory services right from the start.
Your new campaign is called “Our values. Our Mittelstand.” Could you explain the meaning behind it?
Dr Otto: Being the best bank for the mid-market sector means that we stand for clear values which we share with our target group. Above all, we are guided by a desire to meet our clients’ expectations in everything we say and do. Our full range of services enables us to offer tailored solutions that cover all our clients’ needs. The Bank’s generalists and many specialists in Germany and abroad have a strong sense of responsibility and enthusiasm for the mid-market, offering corporate clients the best of both worlds: smart corporate banking with personal service.
Schindler: Of course, this also means accompanying our clients out into the world; a very important factor when it comes to supporting the German Mittelstand in its international business. We rank among the leading export banks, accounting for around 30 per cent of all payment transactions for Germany’s foreign trade.
Kensy: We monitor our corporate clients’ import and export business, adjusting the locations of our branch offices, branches, representative offices and correspondent banks along new trade corridors. Most recently, the Baltic has become increasingly important for our corporate clients, so we followed suit and opened a new branch in Vilnius in December 2024.
What is your strategy?
Schindler: Best possible client proximity, tailor-made solutions and, of course, efficient processes are at the core of everything we do. Let’s start with best possible client proximity: our clients’ global growth opportunities are key factors in our global choice of location. We have to be able to predict global developments early on and position ourselves in line with this if we want to provide our clients with the best possible advice.
Dr Otto: In a nutshell: we will always be where our clients recognise market potential and where they need us. At the moment, that is mainly in Switzerland, the USA and the euro area.
Kensy: Switzerland is a key European growth region. Since Credit Suisse, with its strong corporate clients business, was acquired by UBS, corporate clients in Switzerland have been searching for alternatives, more so because the Swiss manufacturing industry is highly export-oriented. We are one of the great winners of this development. We see potential for capital market products, trade financing and hedging products – and for Swiss franc-denominated bonds.
Dr Otto: The USA is also an important region with significant potential (especially if you look at macroeconomic data) and it sees a record level of direct investment. Its financing needs are immense.
Turning back to Germany: what would you say your main responsibility is as a mid-market bank?
Schindler: We are aware that we, as the bank of choice for the German Mittelstand, have a specific responsibility. This includes assisting our clients in one of the largest and most complex challenges yet: the transition to becoming sustainable. Companies can count on our expertise every step of the way – from initial advice to custom-made financing solutions. Our internal ESG (environmental, social and governance) experts’ experience and know-how is complemented by consulting and engineering services provided by selected external partners.
Dr Otto: Clients can also rely on the expertise of our Center of Competence Green Infrastructure Finance (CoC GIF), through which we promote the expansion of renewable energy. By financing the specific infrastructure required – such as grids and storage facilities – we are laying the foundation for carbon-neutral electrification.
Kensy: Combining growth and sustainability is a key issue for the German Mittelstand and we at Commerzbank have the answers. Waste disposal and recycling specialist KNETTENBRECH + GURDULIC, for example, has been relying on Commerzbank for years – as its trusted partner and expert for sustainable financing solutions, from the hydrogen powertrains of its waste management vehicles to its modern biomass thermal power plant in Wiesbaden.
The mid-market sector is not only working on its green transformation, but also on its digital transformation. What can Commerzbank offer here?
Dr Otto: In short: innovative solutions coupled with personal advice and smart banking services, always in tune with technological developments and client demands. We are always identifying new challenges and opportunities for our clients, expanding our digital channels and optimising platforms.
Schindler: Mid-sized clients have told us that development and adjustment cycles have to be short to ensure that technology is always state of the art. It goes without saying that this applies not only to all things digital, but also to change processes, for example regarding succession arrangements. It is crucial that we stay on top of developments, looking at the big picture. For example, we have been providing comprehensive advisory services to various generations at Paul Lange & Co. OHG, a leading company in the European bicycle industry, and are proud of the close partnership that has lasted for over 60 years. Permanent implementation measures, especially to enhance customer experience, are in demand. Stability and change are deeply embedded in our DNA as two sides of the same coin. This is one of Commerzbank’s clear strengths – Commerzbank, the bank of choice for the German Mittelstand.